Download details
  • Original Author: Diggis
SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Diggis Complete Ponds and Str SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Diggis Complete Ponds and Streams HOT

 SC4D LEX Legacy - Diggis Complete Ponds and Streams


This SC4 Devotion LEX Legacy Pack features the complete set of the ponds and streams by Diggis, including Props and Lots, which had been available on the Lot Exchange (LEX) at SC4 Devotion. After battling a number of technical issues, software incompatibility ultimately shuttered the LEX (at least in its familiar form from 2007 onward) in June 2023, and this package is designed to collect these dependencies in an easy-to-use form, allowing users to install them all in one go, or carefully select exactly which packs they wish to install.

Please note that this pack is expected to receive updates in the near future. Do not redistribute without asking first, mostly as doing so would complicate efforts to properly maintain, update, and provide technical support for the pack.


This package is a simple .zip file. Just extract the BSC folder to your My DocumentsSimCity 4Plugins directory (or equivalent, if you have a custom Plugins folder location).

It is highly recommended to run the cleanitol with the installer and remove any previous versions from your plugins.
ptionally in the ~Documents folder in the main ZIP you can find a collective/master and separately all the individual cleanitol files and by using either the newer  nos.17's SC4 Cleanitol or the older BSC Cleanitol tool you can search and remove old and outdated versions of these files.


In order for the contents of this package to display correctly by taking advantage of the new DLL Mods requires the complete installation of the following dependencies (the below listed dependencies are covering a full install):

  • Submenus DLL - You need it to get the package submenu working.

    Compatible only with the digital version (1.1.641) of SimCity 4 (Microsfot Windows and Linux only).


The following files are required in order for the contents of this package to appear correctly (i.e., no "brown boxes" or missing textures) (the below listed dependencies are covering a full install):

  • SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Diggis Complete Ponds and Streams v2 (and above) - INCLUDED
    The below listed dependencies are all can be found in the hereby linked dependency pack compilation.
    • BSC MEGA Props - Canals Diggis Streams and Ponds




The following BSC members contributed models, textures, lotting, and modding support to this collection:

  • Diggis
  • BarbyW
  • callagrafx
  • RippleJet
  • SimGoober

This package has been made possible by the Project ZIP efforts of Tyberius06, and was assembled by Tarkus and Ulisse Wolf.

Special Thanks

Webmaster & administration staff at SC4 Devotion.

And possibly others who may not have been mentioned. If your name has been forgotten or you're not on the list, then drop us a line, as it has been difficult to keep track of anyone/everyone that may of helped somewhere along the lines.

And to the community itself, we would also like to thank you for your support, making mods such as this possible too. We're still at it after 20 years thanks to you!

And last but not least, a thanks for the Maxis individuals too, for the [paid] work that they did. ;-)


This package contains the following LEX Files:

  1. BSC Prop Pack - Diggis Ponds 1
  2. BSC Prop Pack - Diggis Ponds 2
  3. BSC Prop Pack - Diggis Streams 1
  4. BSC Prop Pack - Diggis Streams 2
  5. BSC Diggis Ponds Shingle Base Set
  6. BSC Diggis Ponds Grass Base Set
  7. BSC Diggis Streams Shingle Base Set
  8. BSC Diggis Streams Diagonal Shingle Base Set
  9. BSC Diggis Streams Grass Base Set
  10. BSC Diggis Ponds Addon Set 1
  11. BSC Diggis Ponds Addon Set 2

The BSC Diggis Streams PEG Replacement Mod is available as a separate download.

Various pieces of original documentation can be found in the "~Documents" folder, which should not be installed in the Plugins directory.

Diggis LEX image Ponds Shingle Base Set Diggis Ponds Grass Base Set BSC2 Diggis LEX image Streams Shingle Base diagonal Set3
Created 2023-08-15T05:21:08-07:00
Changed 2024-08-20T03:01:49-07:00
Version 2.0
Size 16.02 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 1,808