Download details
  • Original Author: Kenworth and Royal
SFBT Props Kenworth and royal Railway P SFBT Props Kenworth and royal Railway Props HOT

After several months of development, it's finally here: the SFBT Railway Prop Pack! This download contains the engines BR 143, BR 218, BR 232, BR 185 (in three different colors), DR 243, various freight cars, passenger cars in three different colors (first and second class, plus control cars), German buffers, additional catenaries and a pylon light for sidings.

This prop pack contains more than 40 different railway props. The props are intended for usage on rail lots and mods for SimCity 4. The pack only serves as a dependency, there are no lot or similar included. If you like to see those props in your game, you will have to install corresponding lots, or create your own. In the Lot Editor, all signals are listed with the prefix "SFBT_Train_...", so they are neatly grouped for easier finding. Most of the props are also available as timed versions, this is indicated by two numbers (i. e. "7-11" when the prop is visible from 7 AM to 11 AM) in the name.

Installation: Copy/extract the SFBT parent folder into your plugins folder. If you extracted the _Documents folders too, you don't need to keep it in your Plugins, but it is recommended to move it to a safe location for later use. 

Uninstallation: For uninstalling the files, simply delete the files from the plugins folder.

Eisenbahnprops_01 Eisenbahnprops_022
Created 2023-08-17T10:35:12-07:00
Changed 2023-08-17T10:36:33-07:00
Version v1
Size 1.07 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 941