Download details
  • Original Author: Diggis
BSC Diggis Streams - PEG Replacement BSC Diggis Streams - PEG Replacement Mod HOT

Used Peg's Ponds and Streams a lot?  Want to swap to mine for a change but don't want to replop them all again?  I know thats how I felt.

So I created this little mod that will replace all of Peg's Pond and Stream models with mine.  Simply install into into the default folder (for those of you who like to mix up the installs this HAS to load after Peg's stuff to work) and enjoy.

Compatibility: This download is only compatible with SimCity 4 "Rush Hour" or SimCity 4 Deluxe.

Installation: Simply drop the Z_BSC Mods folder into My DocumentsSimCity 4Plugins (or equivalent, if you have a custom Plugins directory location set up).  The files must load after any PEG Pond/Stream files.

Uninstallation: To un-install the files, simply bulldoze every lot from this download in your cities and delete the files from the plugins folder afterwards.

Dependencies: None, although this is a waste of time if you don't have Peg's Ponds or Streams of course.

Credits: Many thanks to SimGoober for the original canals, callagrafx for the model and water texture, ChrisAdams3997 for the reeds on the banks, RippleJet for teaching me to do this readme, the many people who tested the lots and last but not least to BarbyW for helping with the modding, doing the original lots and for answering my stupid questions. 

Project ZIP repackaging by Tyberius06.

Diggis LEX image Peg Replacement Mod
Created 2023-08-15T06:07:24-07:00
Changed 2023-08-20T02:44:37-07:00
Version Version 1
Size 1.6 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tarkus
Downloads 536