Download details
  • Original Author: Marrast
SC4D LEX Legacy - Marrast MEGA Props Vol 01 and SC4D LEX Legacy - Marrast MEGA Props Vol 01 and 02 HOT

This LEX Legacy Pack contains both Marrast MEGA Props Vol01 and Vol02 in a single package and now in a single updated DAT file.

Installation: Copy/Extract the BSC parent folder into your Plugins folder (generally Documents/SimCity 4/Plugins).  The "~Documents" folder contains definition files for BSC Cleanitol, to remove any older files superseded by the original MEGA Props packs (it is highly unlikely you'll need to use them, unless you were using Marrast content that was merged into the packs prior to the mid-00s).

This LEX Legacy Pack contains both Marrast MEGA Props Vol 01 and 02 in a single updated prop pack DAT file called: Marrast MEGA Pack Vol01 v2.dat.  

05/11/2023 - Update to version 2

BSC MEGA Props - Marrast Vol01 v2-index
Created 2023-11-05T11:24:45-08:00
Changed 2023-11-11T08:18:49-08:00
Version Version 2
Size 9.55 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 923