Download details
  • Original Author: Art128

This station is modeled after the central station in Tampere, Finland.

It sits on a 6 x 2 lot and overhangs on the sides and back. The platforms are elevated by 7.5m to allow them to be used with elevated rails (E-RRW and HRW). The lot is street transit enabled to allow access to the parking garage entrance.
Due to the layout of the station, the lot needs to be sitting on a 0m-7.5m embankment slope and upon placement it needs to cut into the slope, otherwise it may not function properly as a train station, please test it accordingly. Upon plopping the lot the building arrow needs to face to a road on the lower end of the Slope. Please take a few moments and check out the attached placement tutorial, which will apply for both this Tampere Station and the Eindhoven Central Station too.
  • It is modded that way to support most of the currently available travel types:
  • L0 Ground High Speed Rail (GHSR), if it's on an embankment.
  • L0 and L1 Hybrid Railway (HRW)*
  • L0 and L1 RealRailway (RRW)*
  • L0 GLR (Ground Light Rail) or tram
  • L0 and L1 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
  • Bus Stop - on the frontage road
  • Subway
It has been updated to follow the most up to date NAM/MTA modding practices and standards.
* If you choose to use L1 networks, you don't need the embankment, but that might not be visually appealing as the station was designed to sit at the bottom of a 7.5 meters high embankment.
** There is limited functionality for dual-GLR networks (TIA, TIR, TOR) on the frontage road part of the lot, but they might not be fully functional transit/traffic-wise due to game limitations.
Lot size :       6 x 2
Plop Cost:       §5000
Monthly Cost:    §110
Budget Item:     Mass Transit
Menu: Rail Transport (or Multi-Modal Stations Submenu)
Capacity: 125000
Demand Created:  Jobs§: 85, Jobs§§: 35, Jobs§§§: 5
Pollution: Air 11 over 1 tiles, Water 6 over 2 tiles, Garbage 21 over 0 tiles
Power consumed:  10 MwH
Water consumed:  38 Gallons/Month
Bulldoze Cost:   §200
Since this building was created to fit a purpose in my city, it may not adapt very well to very user, this is a slight inconvenience but I am not going to render different versions of it.


Copy/Extract the art128 parent folder into your Plugins. If you've extracted the ~Documents folder you may remove it from the Plugins, but keep it in a safe location.
All files have been updated so it is highly recommended to use any of the third party cleanitol tools and remove any previous versions from your plugins.
In the ~Documents folder in the main ZIP you can find a Cleanitol_[...].txt script and by using either the newer nos.17's SC4 Cleanitol or the older BSC Cleanitol tool you can search and remove old and outdated versions of these files.
The rail stations have Submenu Support*, if you want to enjoy the advantage of the submenus, please download the 
Submenus DLL - You need it to get the package submenu working. Compatible only with the digital version (1.1.641) of SimCity 4 (Microsoft Windows and Linux only).
*Bear in mind, if you do not use the Submenu DLL mod, then you will find both lots in the Rail menu. If you use the Submenu DLL mod, then the station lot will be found in the Misc Transportation Menu/Multi-Modal Submenu and the plaza lot will be found in the Parks menu/Fillers Submenu.


For support or just to get more news BATs coming, visit my threads on either SC4Devotion or Simtropolis
art128 - Tampere Station
Created 2024-09-02T17:27:16-07:00
Changed 2024-09-11T16:09:46-07:00
Version Version 2
Size 14.74 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 247