Download details
  • Original Author: Jeronij
JRJ Shore Conforming Industrial Seawall JRJ Shore Conforming Industrial Seawalls V4

Add to your industrial shoreline and harbours a modern and nice looking.This is an updated version of the old Shore Conforming Seawalls. This is a BATted version, with all its improvements and all its limitations. I followed Marrast´s technique to build the lots, and if you already use his lots, you will find quite easy to use those new ones.
This set includes nineteen (19) lots which will allow you to cover most of the game´s shorelines.My Fourth BAT !!!.


  • updated and cleaned up files and updated documentation.
  • submenu support (thanks for Ulisse Wolf for applying the custom submenus)
  • added zoom 1/2 correction files (in the BSC/BSCProps folder; it most load after the relevant BSC MEGA Props JRJ volumes). The files were aquired from a member called smtfrank. Credit for these fixes goes to smtfrank.


There are only lots included in the set. This is not a mod.
Some of the lots use props families, this way, the seawall model changes each time you plop a lot. If you dont like the seawall model for a determinate place, just bulldoze it and plop it again, the desired model will hopefuly show ;-).
Some advices (The same as for the Marrast embanquement set):
1. You will need to terraform your banks to use this set. The bank must be fully orthogonal, or diagonal (or both with variations)
2. The bank height must be constant during all the bank stretch that will builded up.
3. Try to plop 1x1 orthogonal piece.If the ground becomes visible through the embankment slope, increase height difference between the bank and the bottom.

The included lots are:

Straight ones
JRJ Seawall 1X1 V4.SC4Lot - The basic seawall straight piece.
JRJ Seawall 1X V4 Acces.SC4Lot - The basic seawall straight piece with a random access. A ramp or a stair..
JRJ Seawall 1X3 V4.SC4Lot - This is a 3X straight piece, with access stairs, and transit enables for streets.
JRJ Seawall 1X Underbridge 2X V4.SC4Lot - This is a 2X visually extended lot which allows you to extend the seawalls under a standard bridge.(Like road/street)
JRJ Seawall 1X Underbridge 3X V4.SC4Lot - This is a 3X visually extended lot which allows you to extend the seawalls under a double bridge.(Like highway)
JRJ Seawall 1X2 V4 Inner Corner.SC4Lot - This is the squared inner corner piece.
JRJ Seawall 1X1 V4 Outer Corner.SC4Lot - This is the squared outer corner piece.
JRJ Seawall 1X1 V4 End Right.SC4Lot - This piece allows you to finish your seawalls on the right side.
JRJ Seawall 1X1 V4 End Left.SC4Lot - This piece allows you to finish your seawalls on the left side.

Diagonal ones
JRJ Seawall 1X V4 Diagonal Center.SC4Lot - This is the center diagonal piece. It is a random lot. It will plop a straight piece or a acces stairs piece.
JRJ Seawall 1X1 V4 Diagonal Right.SC4Lot - This is the diagonal right filler piece.
JRJ Seawall 1X1 V4 Diagonal Right End.SC4Lot - This piece allows you to finish your seawalls on a diagonal shore. Right side.
JRJ Seawall 1X1 V4 Diagonal Left.SC4Lot - This is the diagonal left filler piece.
JRJ Seawall 1X1 V4 Diagona Left End.SC4Lot - This piece allows you to finish your seawalls on a diagonal shore. Left side.
JRJ Seawall 1X1 V4 Orto-Diag Inner Left.SC4Lot - This piece allows to connect a orthogonal to a right diagonal shore, in the inner angle.
JRJ Seawall 1X1 V4 Orto-Diag Inner Right.SC4Lot - This piece allows to connect a orthogonal to a left diagonal shore, in the inner angle.
JRJ Seawall 1X1 V4 Orto-Diag Outer Left.SC4Lot - This piece allows to connect a orthogonal to a right diagonal shore, in the outer angle.
JRJ Seawall 1X1 V4 Orto-Diag Outer Right.SC4Lot - This piece allows to connect a orthogonal to a left diagonal shore, in the outer angle.
JRJ Seawall 1X1 Diagonal filler.SC4Lot - This piece allows you to cover the edges between the diagonal pieces.

1) Copy/Extract both the Jeronij and the BSC* parent folders into your plugins. If you extracted the ~Documents folder into you plugins too, it's highly recommended to keep it, but move it out of the Plugins folder.

2) Play the game and enjoy !!!

*In this case the BSC/BSCProps folder contains two DAT files to override some of the model files in the BSC MEGA Props JRJ volumes as a patch for the seawalls.

To avoid conflicts, please, it is highly recommended to use any of the third party cleanitol tools and remove any previous versions from your plugins. In the ~Documents folder in the main ZIP you can find a Cleanitol_JRJ Shore Conforming Industrial Seawalls V4.txt file and by using either the newer nos.17's SC4 Cleanitol or the older BSC Cleanitol tool you can search and remove old and outdated versions of these files. 


SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Common Dependencies Pack

  • BSC Essentials v2024b
  • BSC MEGA Props JRJ Vol02 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props JRJ Vol06 v2

Plop cost= 10 ( The bigger lots =20)
Bulldoze cost = 5
No Monthly cost
No wealth
The lots show up under the harbour menu** almost at the end.
All the lots are previable before placing them. You´ll see the lot itself, or a nice arrow pointing the right way to plop the lot.
The lots have custom icons to make them easy to recognize in the menu.
The lots have a nice custom UI ( My first custom one !!!)

**In order for the contents of this package to display correctly by taking advantage of the new DLL Mods, it requires the complete installation of the following dependencies (the below listed dependencies are covering a full install):

  • Submenus DLL - You need it to get the package submenu working.

    Compatible only with the digital version (1.1.641) of SimCity 4 (Microsoft Windows and Linux only).

You can see more pics and/or post your comments/suggestions in my BAT Thread. Since I am quite new with the BAT, you will have to excuse some minor graphic glitches that may occur. If there is some problem really important while using those lots, just post it in that thread.

Special thanks to Marrast for his Embanquement set, which served as inspiration for this one.

JRJSeawallsLEX01a JRJSeawallsLEX022
Created 2024-11-01T07:40:29-07:00
Changed 2024-11-01T08:14:36-07:00
Version Version 4
Size 1.37 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 233