Download details
  • Original Author: Mattb325
BSC BATProps Mattb325 Multifunction Stations (Dark N BSC BATProps Mattb325 Multifunction Stations (Dark Nite) HOT


This is a dependency pack for upcoming multi-function transport stations (Rail, 15m Viaduct Rail, 7.5m Viaduct Rail, El-Rail, Monorail, Subway, Bus and HSR). 

There will be thirty new transport lots released in total.


  • The package which was originally called Mattb325 Multifunction Stations Prop Pack (Mattb325_MultifunctionStations_DN.dat) has been rebranded and the files have been moved to the BSC/BSCProps folders. The current BSC BATProps Mattb325 Multifunction Stations v2_DN (Version 2) is essentially the same as the original release with a few tweaks.
  • All models have been restored for their model name (XML) and all models have been provided with building props.
  • Prop catalogue index image and cleanitol is provided.


Copy/Extract the BSC parent folder into your plugins. If you extracted the ~Documents folder into you plugins too, it's highly recommended to keep it, but move it out of the Plugins folder.

In preparation for the release of these stations, it is strongly advisable to upgrade to the latest version of the Network Addon Mod (NAM) (currently it is V48) as this version has introduced the 7.5m viaduct rail and will be a requirement for at least 6 of the station lots.

Thanks and credit for the 7.5m Viaduct Rail prop go to MGB204

This package is for DARK NITE users only. If you DO NOT use a nite darkening mod, download the MAXIS NITE version.

For DARK NITE users the following dependency is required.

SimFox Day and Nite Modd

MultiStationPropPack_s0 Mattb325_MultiStationPropPack_sn2
Created 2023-08-16T23:32:06-07:00
Changed 2024-10-26T08:14:24-07:00
Version Version 2-DarkNite
Size 20.29 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 1,569