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LBT Mega Texture Pack v LBT Mega Texture Pack vol01 HOT

LBT Mega Texture Pack v.03 is a "legacy-like" overall collection of the different LBT texture sets to support the already released lots. Since it's unlikely that the now-retired LBT team would go through on their released lots which still have the old textures with the old ID's, this compilation is supposed to cover those cases.

This is a complete set of textures, for future LBT releases, this file replaces all LBT old texture

packs as like:

LBT Texture Pack 01

LBT texture pack 02

LBTtexts.dat (part of the LBT Prop Pack vol01) 

Textures made and configured by:

-Victor Gonzales


Created 2023-11-21T15:15:42-08:00
Changed 2023-11-21T15:15:42-08:00
Version 3.0
Size 12.94 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by SC4E Staff
Downloads 797