Download details
  • Original Author: Orange_O
TSC Props Pack - Orange Mega Prop TSC Props Pack - Orange Mega Props v2 HOT

The MégaProp contains:

- European cars in 3 orientations: 22.5,45 and 90°
- civil vehicles: La poste, Darty, the DDE,…
- and other vehicles
- billboards (45 and 90°) enlightened the night.Small, large and doubles.
-a mini pack of sporting course
- some plants in particular of the trees of alignment (cut square….?? ) and a small collection of Hydrangeas (hortensias)
- urban accessories: benches, mast of lighting, dustbins, “Sanisette”…
- and other small things

260 props on the whole classified like that:

“Or_xxxxxxx_90” “Or_xxxxxxxxx_45” for the small things with the angles.

“Or_ch_xxxxxx” for véhicles of building sites

“Or_dch_xxxxxx” for accessories of recycling

“Or_cpg_xxxxx” for the sporting course

“Or_p_xxxxx” for the plants

“Or_pub_xxxxx” for the billboards

and “Or_v_xxxxxx” for the cars

TSC Props Pack - Orange Mega Props Vol01 v2 TSC Props Pack - Orange Mega Props Vol01 v2_presentation2
Created 2023-11-22T16:50:38-08:00
Changed 2024-01-22T09:46:44-08:00
Version 2.0
Size 2.47 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 749