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  • Original Author: Cogeo
Cogeo Logistics Centre Dependency Pac Cogeo Logistics Centre Dependency Pack V2 HOT

This pack contains warehouse and ancillary props, for use in Logistics Centres lots. There are twelve BATs in total, plus a special horizontal floodlight model (lightcone). Also contained, special timed props, textures, pathfiles and freight automata spawning scripts. The pack does not contain any lots.

These had been released in the past as Warehouse BATProps Part A & B, but here are put together, along with objects previously included in my Logistics Centres Pack, all consolidated in a single dependency pack, available to lotmakers. With this new Version 2 the separate props (that do not need to be separate items)* and models and the textures have been consolidated into a single DAT; Cogeo_LCP_Warehouses_BATProps v2.dat


UPDATE: 20.01.2024 for further consolidation and update to V2.
UPDATE: 22.06.2022 for Project ZIP. Installer replaced with ZIP file, courtesy of Tyberius06.

The following list contains the singular DAT file that have been compiled into the new DAT file. You will also find a Cleanitol_Cogeo Logistics Centre Dependency Pack v2.txt, that helps you locate and remove the older files by using it with one of the available cleanitol tools (nos.17 SC4 Cleanitol or BSC Cleanitol):

  • LCP_PropsAndTextures.dat
  • LCP_Props_Consists_Jes.dat
  • LCP_Props_DistributionTrucks_SC_SG.dat
  • LCP_Props_ParkedTrucks_Jes.dat
  • LCP_Props_SemiTrailers_SG_Jes.dat
  • jestarr_AdditionalPropModels.SC4Model**
  • WarehousesBATPropsPartA.dat
  • WarehousesBATPropsPartB.dat

* The files starting with LCP_Prop_##### (located in the Props folder) are designed to be selectable as they are in prop famillies. For further information see the readme about the install and configuration instructions (3. Customising the Lots' Appearance) of the Logistic Centres Lot Mega Pack.

**Bear in mind that the jestarr_AdditionalPropModels.SC4Model file has been completely taken out, as the BSC MEGA Props JES vol01 V2 contains these props and models (and that is also an essential dependency of this Logistic Centre Dependency Pack - see dependencies below). 

Lotmakers may use these props in their lots, but not include (redistribute) the models in their plugins. Instead, they must point users to download the models from this page.

Install: copy/extract the Cogeo parent folder into your plugins. If you extracted the ~Documents folder into your plugins, too, it's highly recommended to keep it, but move it out of the Plugins folder.

If you have a left-hand driving installation (UK, Pacific) you must also install the UK Pathing Patch (included in this pack). You can find the z_LCP_UK_PathingPatch.dat file in the ~DocumentsUK_Pathing Patch folder.

The ~Documents folder also contains a cleanitol file and prop/texture catalogue images.

- Special thanks to Jestarr for the custom consist prop models.
- Special thanks to Swamper77 for the automata-spawning scripts.
- Many thanks to BarbyW for testing/evaluating this pack.


While this is a dependency pack itself, some props use models made by SimGoober and Jestarr. To avoid brown boxes, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

    • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol01 v2
    • BSC MEGA Props SG Vol 01 v3
logistics_1 logisitcs_22
Created 2024-01-20T16:56:51-08:00
Changed 2025-01-09T17:13:23-08:00
Version Version 2
Size 9.22 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 867