Download details
  • Original Author: Girafe and Mattb325

Originally built in the mid nineteenth century, then torn down by order of Joseph Stalin's ministers in 1931 only to be rebuilt from scratch between 1995-2000, is Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.
This package includes maxisnite and darknite versions of the Christ The Saviour Cathedral located in Moscow, Russia. 

This Russian Orthodox cathedral is a 6x6 lot and is offered in game as a House of Worship.
It is found in the rewards menu.
This is a new rewards lot which will not over-write any ingame/relotted churches and can be placed at any time. However, it can only be placed once in an city. The building provides employment for 209 Sims.
Placing reward buildings is crucial to over-coming demand CAPs which hinder city development.
Special thanks to Mattb325 (for finishing the model, making the modding and bringing it alive and all BSC members.

LOT Details and information:

Lot size:


Menu position:

Building:Reward, Worship

Demand Created: Jobs$: 39, Jobs$$: 105, Jobs$$$: 65
Demand Satisfied: R$: 1,500, R$$: 8,000, R$$$: 1,500
Landmark Effect: 30 over 60
Park Effect: 220 over 62
Mayor Effect: 10 over 110

Plop cost:

§ 0

Bulldoze cost:

§ 8500

Max fire stages: 5
Power consumption: 74
Water consumption:  56
Air pollution:  7
Water pollution:  4
Garbage pollution:  50


nstallation: Copy/Extract the BSC parent folder into your plugins (let it merge with other other folder if you already have BSC or BSC/girafe folders in your plugins. If you extracted the ~Documents folder into your plugins, too, it's highly recommended to keep it, but move it out of the Plugins folder.

Choose ONE from the two model files in the Moscow Christ The Saviour Cathedral: either
Grfe_ChristTheSaviour-DN-0x5ad0e817_0x6c81bf73_0x30000.SC4Model (dark/true-night) or
Grfe_ChristTheSaviour-MN-0x5ad0e817_0x6c81bf73_0x30000.SC4Model (maxis night)
and remove the one which you do NOT wish to use.   

Un-Installing: To un-install the files, simply bulldoze every lot from this download in your cities and delete the files from the plugins folder afterwards.


SimFox Day n Nite Modd 

SFBT Props peterycristi Props

SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Common Dependencies v8 (or above)
            BSC-VIP Girafe Urbanpack  vol01

Icon_Grfe_CTS_s Icon_Grfe_CTS_sn2
Created 2024-01-22T09:19:39-08:00
Changed 2024-01-22T09:20:29-08:00
Version 1.0
Size 6.46 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 430