Download details
  • Original Author: FrankU

The BNL Essentials is a set of files packed into one upload that is necessary for most BNL Lots to work properly. If it is needed the file will be added to the dependencies list of a certain upload. The BNL Essentials will be updated regularly and we will name the needed version in our uploads, so that you can be sure you do not have an outdated one for that certain lot. You can expect props, models, mod files…. Anything. 

Today, april 10th 2013, we start with version 1.0 that contains nothing but the BNL Queries v1.0.

Today, april 1st, 2016, we see version 2.0 that contains the BNL Queries v1.3, some props by MVE and a several new files: the FrankU Essentials V2.0. This is a set of many edited props and prop families that were scattered over several uploads. Now all in one compact set.

Change Log
update to v2.1: 30.01.2024

  • Fixed broken FrankU Prop Family names V2.0.dat file.

The latest version of this pack will always be available on this spot.

For more details please read the provided readme files that can be found in the ~Documents folder.


These are the most common dependencies for this upload, maybe a few of them were left out.

SC4D LEX Legacy – BSC Common Dependencies V8 (or above)

  • BSC MEGA Props CP Vol01
  • BSC MEGA Props D66 Vol01 v3
  • BSC MEGA Props Gascooker Vol01 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol01 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol02 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol04 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol05 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol06 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol07 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol08 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props JMyers Agriculture 01 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props JRJ Vol04 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props JRJ Vol05 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props Misc Vol01 v2
  • BSC MEGA Props MJB Vol01 v3
  • BSC MEGA Props RT Vol01 v4
  • BSC MEGA Props SG Vol01 v3
  • BSC MEGA Props SWI21 Vol01 v4
  • BSC MEGA Props T1 vol03
  • SG Models Agriculture v2

Pegasus CDK3 Collection – you need the PEG-CDK3-SP_Container-Fleet_RESOURCE.dat from the _Resources folder (alternatively you can get the file from PEG CDK3 SP Container Ship Fleet)

PEG SPAM Super Resource Pack

Haarlemmergold Dutch MEGA Pack v2

SFBT RFR Maize Set v2

marcoheutink - Zeeland, the Netherlands - 11 Cottages pack

marcoheutink - Village Pack - 9 new houses from Zeeland, the Netherlands

vda Langeraar Geerweg 31


BNL Essentials V2.0 LEX image
Created 2024-01-22T10:03:42-08:00
Changed 2024-01-29T17:28:07-08:00
Version Version 2.1
Size 1.49 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 693