Download details
  • Original Author: Andreas
SFBT Street Tree Mod by And SFBT Street Tree Mod by Andreas HOT

Includes options to use original installer (found in the "_Documents" folder within the download), or do a manual install (note that not all files should be installed in the case of a manual install, and some will need to be removed).  See installation section below for more details.

Following in jeronij's footsteps, this is another "all inclusive" mod that changes the look of your streets. The main focus is set to residential streets; however, a few commercial and agricultural zones can be altered as well. Other optional files will also change the look of the default Maxis trees on roads and oneway roads. The main goal of this mod is to add trees to streets in residential zones, as well as parked cars, which is a very common sight throughout Europe.

This mod is fully modular, so you can decide which street and road tiles should be affected by the mod, and you can also decide which trees should show up there. For this purpose, several street tree DATs have been created. It's even possible to mix the various tree styles, however the result will look best when you only install one DAT at once. More tree style DATs can be created later to use trees by other designers as well. Unfortunately, this method doesn't work for seasonal trees, but a seasonal tree version of this mod might be released later.

Depending on wealth type and zone density, the look of the streets varies. You won't see any cars parked on the curb in high-wealth low density zones, and only medium and high density zones will have parking bays and dirt circles for the trees. Please note that the DATs for roads and oneway roads will only change the trees, but they do not add any cars or parking bays to your roads. The DAT for agricultural zones doesn't add any cars or parking bays either.

You can install or uninstall the mod at any time you want. To update your streets with the new look (or the default Maxis look again), simply select the street tool and click on your streets, i. e. on the crossroads. The props will change automatically in a radius of a few tiles. By clicking more than one time, you can also alter the appearance of the trees, in case the first click didn't meet your liking for some reason. If brown boxes are showing up, please make sure you have all dependencies, as listed below.


This download requires SimCity 4 incl. the "Rush Hour" expansion pack or SimCity 4 Deluxe.

This mod is not compatible with any other street mod, such as jeronij's streetside mod, ardecila's street tree mod, swamper77's no palm mod (however, the files that remove the palms from lots etc. will work fine) or Pegasus' no street junk mod. If other mods that modify the look of the streets are installed, only the one that is loaded last will determine the appearance in the game.



Extract the following files to "My DocumentsSimCity 4Plugins". It is wise to create a new folder for each download to avoid confusion.

The following files will change the look of your streets and roads to the type of trees you have installed.

  • SFBT_StreetsideMod_R*.dat - Changes the look of the residential streets depending on wealth type and zone density.
  • SFBT_StreetsideMod_C$$MDHD.dat - Changes the default Maxis trees on commercial streets.
  • SFBT_StreetsideMod_IR - Adds trees to the streets in agricultural zones.
  • SFBT_StreetsideMod_Plop - Changes the look of the streets next to ploppable lots.
  • SFBT_RoadsideMod_R$$_C$$LDMDHD.dat - Changes the default Maxis trees on roads in residential and commercial zones.
  • SFBT_OnewayRoadsideMod_R$$LDMDHD.dat - Changes the default Maxis trees on oneway roads in residential zones.
  • SFBT_StreetsideMod_Diagonal_RCI_LD.dat - Adds trees to diagonal streets in low density zones.

The following files will determine the type of trees that show up on your street and road tiles. You can install as many as you want, however the trees will mix randomly then. For a uniform look, I suggest to install only one file at once. Please note that you have to install the tree props by Cycledogg or Pegasus, otherwise, brown boxes will appear.

  • SFBT_CP_Street_Deciduous_Trees.dat - a mix of various deciduous trees by Cycledogg (oaks, elms, cottonwood)
  • SFBT_CP_Street_Ponderosa_Pines.dat - various ponderosa pines by Cycledogg
  • SFBT_CP_Street_Shore_Pinyon_Pines.dat - various shore and pinyon pines by Cycledogg
  • SFBT_PEG_Street_Pines.dat - a mix of pine trees by Pegasus
  • SFBT_Maxis_Street_Deciduous_Trees.dat - the default Maxis deciduous trees
  • SFBT_Maxis_Street_Palm_Trees.dat - the default Maxis palm trees
  • SFBT_Maxis_Street_Pine_Trees.dat - the default Maxis pine trees

The following files will determine the type of parking bays that show up in medium and high density zones. Only one file can be installed.

  • JRJ Street side mod Blue parking bays.dat - parking bays with blue markings
  • JRJ Street side mod neutral parking bays.dat - parking bays without markings (only grey concrete)
  • JRJ Street side mod White parking bays.dat - parking bays with white markings
  • JRJ Street side mod Yellow parking bays.dat - parking bays with yellow markings

Other files:

  • SFBT_DirtCircle_Remover.dat - Makes all dirt circles invisible. This is useful when you want to use this mod in combination with the PEG MTP Mod.


For uninstalling the files, simply delete the files from the plugins folder. You can restore the previous look of your streets by selecting the street tool and clicking on your existing streets. The original props will be restored immediately.


If using the cycledogg/c.p. or Pegasus tree options:

Created 2023-08-02T05:24:35-07:00
Changed 2023-08-02T05:24:35-07:00
Version Version 1
Size 734.82 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by SC4E Staff
Downloads 838