Download details
This is a collection of sports base props and textures developed for the NUTs team.
NUTs Cricket Nets
NUTs Cricket Wickets
NUTs Fan Zone Screens
NUTs Leaf Litter
NUTs Tennis Courts/NUTs Tennis Sets*
NUTs Tennis Players***
NUTs 6m Fences
NUTs 9m Fences
NUTs 6m Fences
NUTs 9m Fences
For the full list of contents (which single prop packs, models and props were stored into this pack) please check the included cleanitol file. It also helps you to remove all the old prop packs which this upload aims to replace. You just need to run the included Cleanitol_NUTs Props Pack A v2.txt with the BSC Cleanitol TM tool. You can also find a prop catalogue image about the props which are in this pack.
UPDATE: 23.06.2022 for Project ZIP. Installer replaced with ZIP file and other housekeeping, courtesy of Tyberius06.**
Install: copy/extract the NUTs parent folder into your plugins. If you extracted the ~Documents folder into your plugins, too, it's highly recommended to keep it, but move it out of the Plugins folder.
* the base and overlay textures from this DAT file have been moved into a new NUTs Tennis Sets_text.dat, the models and props are stored in the compiled prop pack.
** fixed cleanitol file.
***originally were coming with the NUTs paroch Tennis Pack
993.18 KB
Created by
SC4E Staff
Changed by
Ulisse Wolf