Download details
  • Original Author: Yoman

A pack containing intermodal cranes for use in container terminals of all sorts. These props are based off of real life container cranes (or Portainers) located in the APM Container Terminal in Europort, Rotterdam. Included is one large Super Post Panamax Portainer crane in both an active (arm down) and inactive (arm up) version.

These cranes are LODed to allow them to be placed overhanging all known container ships available in SimCity 4 and probably for all ships in the foreseeable future. Also included is one Straddle Carrier prop which is used to carry containers around the terminal available in loaded, unloaded, 45 degree, and 22.5 (left and right) versions.

These props will be essential for future lots proposed for the LEX and will allow anyone to create a container terminal of their own custom design in the Lot Editor. It is strongly suggested that you also download Jestarr's excellent standard TEU units (containers), as they have been modeled with the scale of those containers in mind.

I would like to thank Glenni, Emilin, Ennedi, Rooker1, the SMP team, and RippleJet for their wonderful help in completing this pack. Especially Glenni, who helped with the completion of the models (adding details) and textures, and RippleJet, who merged the files into a single DAT and provided the installer.
This Pack is dedicated to Onlyplace4

SMPPortRealismProjectPropPackVolume1 SMP Yoman Prop Pack Vol01_index2
Created 2024-01-24T02:05:43-08:00
Changed 2024-01-24T02:06:41-08:00
Version 1.0
Size 2.59 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 563