Download details
  • Original Author: Killeroo
SC4Cartographer by Kill SC4Cartographer by Killeroo

SC4Cartographer - Generate and save images from SimCity 4 saves

Small tool that allows you to create, customize and save map images of cities. Has the following features:

  • Customize zone colors and backgrounds
  • Customize output size (perfect for making or printing posters)
  • Customize output format (PNGs or JPEGs)
  • Browse through available save games and regions or load specific save files


Single executable, does not require installation, can be placed and used anywhere on computer. only requires NET Framework 4.6 or higher if you do not already have it installed.

Source code, issues and feedback

If you want to see the code, report a bug or suggest a feature head over to Github to checkout the project.

Created 2023-09-04T18:28:47-07:00
Changed 2023-09-04T18:28:59-07:00
Version Version 1.1.0
Size 148.14 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tarkus
Downloads 324