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  • Original Author: memo and Flann
JDatPacker by memo and F JDatPacker by memo and Flann HOT

JDatPacker is a cross-platform utility for repackaging SimCity 4 plugin files into larger .dat files, originally developed by memo, with later contributions by Flann. It is an alternative to the original SC4DatPacker by wouanagaine.


This program requires Java 8 or later.

Installation & Usage

Simply unpack the zip archive and double click the jar file to start the application. An installation is not necessary.

Specify the source directory (usually outside your plugins folder) and target directory (usually inside your plugins folder). Each top-level folder contained in the source directory is bundled into a single .dat file which then is saved inside the target directory. Files larger than 500 MiB will be split.

Update History

Version 0.2.2 (May 2024)

  • added launch scripts for each platform (to solve a problem in which JDatPacker tried to store its configuration properties in a system directory for which it lacks write permissions)

Version 0.2.1 (April 2024)

  • fixed a problem in which some DBPF files with file format version 0.0 were ignored
  • fixed a potential infinite loop

Version 0.2.0 (July 2023)

  • changed the numbering of files, thanks to @jflann
    (If you upgrade from an older version of JDatPacker, make sure to remove all previously datpacked files from the target directory.)
  • maintenance

Contact and Support

The source files are hosted on


This program is released under the MIT license (see included license file).

Created 2023-07-20T02:30:16-07:00
Changed 2024-05-12T10:48:37-07:00
Version 0.2.2
Size 8.39 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by memo
Downloads 1,850