Download details
  • Original Author: Cycledogg
SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Extended Cycledogg Terrain Mods SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Extended Cycledogg Terrain Mods V1

This is a collection of all the land created by c.p.  AKA Cycledogg that have been revised and updated with the new standard created by the Extended Terrain DLL. The package includes the Columbus, Canyonlands, Grand Canyon, Italia, Meadowshire, Missouri Breaks, Olympic, and Painted Desert terrain mods. With a completely new set of textures, they change the appearance of your cities and regions and give them a whole new look.  

Included Files

CPT_No3_TerrainTextures.dat and CPT_No4_TerrainTextures.dat

These files contain the new terrain textures for all terrain mods. You must have both of the following files installed when using this mod or your game will crash to the desktop when trying to open your city! 


This file contains textures for scree slopes, rock outcroppings, snow, etc. This is an essential file, but can be replaced with CPT_No5 files from other CPT terrain mods (to change the color of the rock). It is not interchagable with any files other than CPT_No5 files. For example, it is not interchangeable with Peg's rock mods.


This file contains the cliff texture. It is an optional file, and can be removed. It is equivalent to PEG's or Sorchin's Rock Mods, so if you want to use one of PEG's or Sorchin's rock mods, you might want to remove this file. You will only need to install one file to have cliff textures for each of the 4 available biomes (Desert, Temperate/Mediterranean, Arctic/Alpine, and Tropical. The lack of textures for the 4 biomes results in a CTD.


This file contains beach and underwater textures. It is optional and can be removed if you'd prefer the standard Maxis textures or another beach mod. You will only need to install one file to have beach textures for each of the 4 available biomes (Desert, Temperate/Mediterranean, Arctic/Alpine, and Tropical. The lack of textures for the 4 biomes results in a CTD.


This download is only compatible with SimCity 4 "Rush Hour" or SimCity 4 Deluxe. This mod is not compatible with other terrain mods, but is compatible with custom beach textures, custom water textures, and custom cliff textures (such as PEG's or Sorchin's rock mods). Important Note: If you have installed another terrain mod, such as the Arctic terrain mod, the Desert terrain mod, or any other terrain mod by Cycledogg, you must uninstall them (move them out of your plugins folder) before using this mod. Be sure to check both your Program Files plugin folder as well as your My Docs plugin folder when uninstalling old terrain mods.


This package utilizes a Java-based installer (similar to the one used with the Network Addon Mod), and can also be opened and installed manually using 7-Zip or Keka.

To install it, you'll either need the Java Runtime Environment to run the installer--Adoptium's open-source edition is recommended--or a zip tool capable of opening the installer to allow manual installation. For Windows/Linux, use 7-zip, and for macOS, use Keka.

Once into the installer, after agreeing to the terms for the package, click to the Files tab to select which files you wish to install (making no changes here will install everything). To expand options, click the small "+" next to the name of the section.

Once into the installer, after agreeing to the terms for the package, click to the Files tab to select which dependencies you wish to install (making no changes here will install everything). Then, click to the Location tab to set up an installation location (this should be the root of your My DocumentsSimCity 4Plugins folder). On the Cleanup tab, click "Start scan" to find any outdated files that currently reside in your Plugins folder that may conflict with this package. Clicking "Backup" will remove these old files to a safe location. (The option to "Delete" them also exists, but is not recommended.)** After this, click over to the Install tab, and click "Start installation" to begin the installation procedure. When installation is complete, the tab pop up a message indicating it, after which you are safe to close the installer.

Bear in mind that the previously offered default folder-structure has been changed, so installing this mod is requiring to find and remove the old files and folders. The new default folder structure for CP's mods (only major mods, not for BATs and LOTs) is z___CP Mods. This folder will contain the Terrain Mods, God Mode Tree Controller Mods, the Sidewalk Mods and the SCILT.

To help choosing which option you want to install, please see details in the readme_Cycledogg_Terrain_Mods file.

** Though there is an inbuilt cleanitol function in the installer, at this point it is not working entirely properly so it is highly recommended to run the individual cleanitol files or the master cleanitol for the compilation with one of the following 3rd party cleanitol tools:

nos.17 Cleanitol (new tool released a month ago)

BSC Cleanitol (old, but stable tool)


To uninstall this mod, simply remove the folder and its contents it from your Plugins folder. You will still be able to open any cities that previously used this mod, but the terrain will revert to the standard Maxis terrain textures.

DLL Dependencies

In order for the contents of this package to display correctly by taking advantage of the new DLL Mods requires the complete installation of the following dependencies(the below listed dependencies are covering a full install; for dependencies for individual collections see the list of contents secion):

  • Extended Terrain DLL - You need this mod for proper functioning of dependencies and Terrain Controller.

    Compatible only with the digital version (1.1.641) of SimCity 4 (Microsfot Windows and Linux only).


CRASH ALERT! You must install the following file before using this mod or your game will crash to the desktop when trying to open your city. This file contains the new terrain textures for all terrain mods.

  • CPT Terrain Essentials No3 and No4 Terrain Textures.dat (INCLUDED)
    Bear in mind, this single file replaces both of the formerly available CPT_No3_TerrainTextures.dat and CPT_No4_TerrainTextures.dat files.
  • CPT_No5_RockTextures.dat (INCLUDED)


Thanks to Maxis for creating a great terrain engine, Andreas Roth for his help with the readme and the installer, and the BSC for testing previous terrain mods and helpful suggestions, especially JMeyers, Sorchin, BarbyW, Vlakhaas, Wouanagaine, NicholaiS and anyone else I may have forgot to mention. Thanks also to Jeronij, and Colyn for hosting my files at SC4Devotion and to BarbyW for compiling the BSC LEX DVD.

CanyonlandsTerrainMod0 ColumbusTerrainMod02 ItaliaTerrainMod03
Created 2024-12-31T09:16:23-08:00
Changed 2025-01-01T03:52:41-08:00
Version 1.0
Size 35.08 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Ulisse Wolf
Downloads 107