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Block Maxis Hanggliders Mod by Rippl Block Maxis Hanggliders Mod by RippleJet

Block Maxis Hanggliders Mod by RippleJet

Maxis' Hang Glider is spawned by the Marina.  As soon as you've built that reward you will have hang gliders all over your city.

Whenever you want to take a snapshot for an upload or for a Mayor's Diary, you'd be certain to get one of those gliders in the middle of the picture.
This mod blocks these hang gliders from appearing.  Whenever you want them to appear again, just remove RJ - Block Maxis Hangglider.dat from your plugins.

There is no installer included,as you will have to decide yourself if you want to use the blocker or not. 

There is also no readme included.  A brief discussion can be found here though.

Created 2023-07-25T02:19:47-07:00
Changed 2023-07-25T03:31:47-07:00
Version Version 1
Size 19.83 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tarkus
Downloads 306