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Block Road Barriers Mod by Rippl Block Road Barriers Mod by RippleJet

Block Road Barriers Mod by RippleJet

The black and yellow road barrier props appear at the end of all ordinary networks, Streets, Roads, One-Way Roads, Avenues and Highways. This little mod simply disables two small props, and removes all barriers on the fly.

Whenever you don't want the barriers in the game, place this mod in your plugins folder.  Whenever you want the barriers back again,just remove RJ - Block Road Barriers 1.0.dat from your plugins.

There is no installer included, as you will have to decide yourself if you want the barriers or not.

There is also no readme included.  A brief discussion can be found following the request here though.

Created 2023-07-25T02:21:58-07:00
Changed 2023-07-25T03:32:08-07:00
Version Version 1
Size 20.09 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tarkus
Downloads 357