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Toilet Paper Free Toilet Paper Tree Mod by Rippl Toilet Paper Free Toilet Paper Tree Mod by RippleJet

Toilet Paper Free Toilet Paper Tree Mod by RippleJet

The Toilet Paper Tree is a deciduous tree prop made by Maxis.
The same tree normally appears in the game without any toilet paper.
However, if you allow crime to escalate, some of these trees will appear with toilet paper hanging from the branches.
This mod simply replaces the toilet paper tree model in that prop with the standard model without toilet paper.
Place the mod in your plugins folder whenever you want to flush the toilet paper.
You will not have to replop any trees, all existing toilet paper will disappear.
Whenever you want toilet papers back, just remove RJ - Toilet Paper Free Toilet Paper Tree.dat from your plugins.
There is no installer included, as you will have to decide yourself if you want flush the paper or not.

There is also no readme included.

A brief discussion can be found following the request here though.

Created 2023-07-25T03:39:22-07:00
Changed 2023-07-25T03:39:42-07:00
Version Version 1
Size 57.36 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tarkus
Downloads 302