Download details
  • Original Author: Vortext

This download contains eight (8) growable, stage 1 IR pastures. They're simple grass fields which do not contain a visible building. 
The textures are in HD and multi-fsh; each texture contains no less than 16 variations of itself which will to a large extend eliminate tiling effects. 


To facilitate customization all the necessary components have been split into separate files per pasture. 

Documentation - contains the ReadMe, an overview picture, picture per pasture and a file with LE textures (see below)

Pasture Fields - contains the Farm Fields. These will not grow on their own! You need Pasture Grow.  

Pasture Grow - contains the IR$1 lots. You need the Pasture Fields for the fields to display correctly. 

Pasture Textures - contains the HD multi-fsh texture files. Required, obviously. 


Installation: Copy/Extract the Vortext parent folder into your plugins. If you extracted the ~Documents folder into you plugins too, it's highly recommended to keep it, but move it out of the Plugins folder.


If you want to use the pasture textures on your own lots please use 'Vortexture - Pastures LE.dat' (you can find it in the ~Documents/Vortext_Readmes/Alternative Files) when working in the Lot Editor. 
Reason is the pasture textures are in proper HD, which means Maxis LE nor SC4PIM can handle them. 
Once you've finished and the lots are good to go, simply replace this file with the fullblown HD, multi-fsh textures contained in Pasture Textures. 

In addition you'll find the Field Lot IIDs below so you can attach the pasture fields to your own growable farm lots. 

Pastures Overview
Created 2024-11-01T06:25:53-07:00
Changed 2024-11-01T06:26:17-07:00
Version 1.0
Size 13.53 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 164