Download details
  • Original Author: Jeronij

Jeronij alternative sidewalks set (aka JRJ Sidewalks).

This is a set of sidewalks which will replace the original Maxis ones. It also has SCILT compatibility thanks to C.P. (CycleDogg).


There are three versions for this mod. You can use only one at once. 

Copy the z___JRJ MODs folder into your plugins, then go into the JRJ Sidewalks folder and CHOOSE ONLY ONE subfolder, remove all other subfolders that are not to be used. Bear in mind with this re-hosted upload each subfolder contains the relevant SCILT (Sidewalk Compatible Interchangeable Lot Textures) version (read more about SCILT below)**.

    This set contains a separate dat file for each wealth level sidewalk. You can decide which sidewalks you dont want to use by removing the wealth related file. For the deleted sidewalks, Maxis ones will be used.
  • JRJ Sidewalks_OPTIONAL_MW
    This set contains a version which shows the medium wealth textures in the highw wealth zones, avoiding the pinky brick ones, and keeping homogeneity with the other sidewalk textures.
  • JRJ Sidewalks_OPTIONAL_LW
    Designed for low wealth / old cities. Low wealth sidewalks will be seen everywhere except in farming areas.


The folder you choose must replace the existing "JRJ Sidewalks_NNNNNNNN" one.

**Sidewalk Compatible Interchangeable Lot Textures. This is a collection of lot textures intended to match the texture of your sidewalk mod. The lot textures should be useful on lots where the sidewalk texture needs to be extended onto the lot, or for paths, plazas, patios, etc. Only download and install the version that most closely resembles your sidewalk mod.

The different versions are interchangeable, meaning if you remove one version from your plugins and replace it with another, the game will show the new SCILT textures on your lots in place of the old SCILT textures.

These texture are made for use with the JRJ Sidewalks Mod

If you experience problems, try moving the files to a folder that begins with "zzz_", to ensure these files load after other plugins that may be conflicting.

Note that sidewalk textures and lot textures may not match exactly, due to differences in how the game handles shading for lots and sidewalks.

Un-Installing: To un-install the file, delete it from the plugins. If you are not replacing it with another version of SCILT, then you will need to delete every lot that uses SCILT as a dependency, as well.


SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Common Dependencies Pack v9 (and above)
The below listed dependencies are all can be found in the hereby linked dependency pack compilation.

  • BSC Textures Vol03 v5


Thanks to Jeronij for his sidewalk mod, which has been in widespread use for many years now, and for C.P. (CycleDogg) for the SCILT texture variations.

JRJ_Sidewalks_V2 LEX_SCILT_JRJSidewalks2
Created 2024-10-17T11:41:01-07:00
Changed 2024-11-01T08:14:52-07:00
Version 3.0
Size 1.35 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 229