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  • Original Author: tagehring
Low-Altitude Color Schemes for SC4 Mapper & SC4Terrafo Low-Altitude Color Schemes for SC4 Mapper & SC4Terraformer

Low-elevation Color Schemes for SC4 Mapper & Terraformer.

I've used Swordmaster's excellent Red-Purple color scheme for SC4 mapper for years, but wanted something with a tighter gradient at lower elevations. Taking a page from his book, I made two variations:

  • Enhanced, based on the Red-Purple scheme
  • Muted, based on the Brown scheme.

These color schemes are intended for regions with terrain below 1600 meters; anything over that height will just appear white on the map. Particular emphasis was put on differentiating elevation in the first 5 meters above sea level to make planning harbors easier.

To use these color schemes with SC4 Mapper, replace the appropriate basicColors.ini file in the following directory:

C:Program Files (x86)SC4 Mapper 2013

To use this color scheme with SC4 Terraformer, replace the appropriate basicColors.ini file in the following directory:

C:Program Files (x86)SC4TFV11datas


Created 2023-07-29T17:43:00-07:00
Changed 2024-01-20T05:00:27-08:00
Version 1.0
Size 20.47 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 449