Reader 0.9.3 by ilive
SC4 Model Tweaker by cogeo
Png To Fsh Batch by null45
This plugin allows Adobe Photoshop 5.0 or later to load and save Fsh files.
Images containing an alpha channel are handled differently depending on the version of Photoshop.
Photoshop 5.5 or earlier will add the alpha channel to the channels palette.
Photoshop 6.0 or later will use the alpha channel as the layer transparency.
The installation instructions are in the Readme.
The source code is on GitHub:
This application will allow you to create simple icons for your lots
Short list of features:
- png, jpg, jpeg, bmp files can be used as an icon source,
- when choosing source file you will be able to select image region as base for an icon,
- icons can contain captions and can be positioned within an icon (within 44x44 pixels range),
- each icon can have different set of primary/secondary captions,
- captions can be formated with font setting, colour, antialiasing,
- frames for normal/highlighted icon states (highlighted - mouse move over icon), each state can have different colour set,
- frames can be 1 pixel or 2px width, frames can have rounded inner corners, visible/invisible,
- set hue, saturation and luminance values for each icon independently, or combined (selected icons will change values to match with first icon),
- save result as a png file.
SC4BAB is a tool for making SC4 animated-props.
Please look at Readme.chm befor starting BAB and visit BAB Room for more information ...
This is a tool that I wrote to create multi-image textures.
It can also add images to a fsh file in an existing dat. The NET Framework 3.5 Client profile is required for Window Vista and XP.
The instance range in Range; must be changed to your assigned range. Additional documentation is in the Readme. The support thread is Multi Fsh Tool
Path Creator is a Java-based tool for creating network paths. This is Version 2.1, which fixes compatibility with macOS and Linux.
ilive's LEProp allows you to easily modify your lots. Includes the ability to add custom icons and descriptions. Allows to change the menus where you want to show your lots. And many many more interesting features, which will make lot makers life more easy.