SC4 PIM by wouanagaine
SC4PIM is a "better" Maxis PIM and Maxis LotEditor
Version RC8c uploaded
With the new 2022 and 2023 update of SC4PIM New Properties XML (including Z1's updates on the TSEC and transportation capacity properites and some minor bug fixes by Tyberius06)
Also known as X-tool, X-PIM, SC4 PIM-X
<<Support thread>>
CHANGELOG - 10.03.2025
- as of the release day of this update the latest version of new_properties.xml is included with this upload. Please be aware, that the new_properties.xml is in constant development the latest version of this file can be always found on the official github page of this file:
- the following updates were made to the new_properties.xml by Ulisse Wolf and Tyberius06:
- CAM 2.5 Support
- MTA Support (includes Z1's previous updates, and some further property adjustments from recent years and the freight rail station stat calculations got an overhaul update)
- Submenu Support (The original pre-defined submenus show up with their names - instead of the IDs - on lots that have them)
- Growify Support
- Custom Budget Departments Support
- Building Style support
- W2W Support
- Modpack Zero Support
- Occupant Group ID Names update (this version of the xml contains as much of the former BSC Reward Chain OGs as it was possible to recover. There is also now Occupant Group ID for Ground Light Rail - GLR - and Hybrid RailWay - HRW. A detailed Occupant Group list will be revealed at a later time)
- the following updates were made to the new_properties.xml by Ulisse Wolf and Tyberius06:
- the settings.ini file also got some updates and fixes. From now if a user wants to create an Opera House file, PIM-X will automatically assign the custom UI that was defined in the Opera House Fix, but this also means that one needs to have the BSC Essentials v2024b (and above) installed when they want to play with the opera house.
- added a new config.ini file to unlock the SC4 PIM-X Advanced User Mode (read the included text file about this content). This is an optional feature and recommended mostly for users who are confident enough using the iLieve Reader and PIM-X anyway.
Please follow the installation order as it is packaged in the uploaded ZIP. For easier installation process and use all the previously separately available patches, guide and other necessary files are in this package:
- SetupSC4PIM.exe
- latest version of the new_properties.xml and settings.ini files
- PIM_X_Win7SP1_Patch (aka multiarray.pyd bugfix; Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 and Windows 11 users should install this file) Without, PIM-X will crash immediately while loading
- necessary DLLs (the program works with these ones, read the included readme in the individual folder, please)
- SC4PIM compatibility mode set-up (it's an image that shows how to set-up the compatibility mode for PIM-X. It is necessary to avoid issues running the program)
- SC4 PIM User Guide
- NEW!!!!!!! - Optional SC4 PIM-X Advanced User Mode (read the included text file about this content)
Special thanks to Ripplejet aka "superformulaman"
Special thanks to Barbyw aka "the goddess"
Without any special order many thanks to Callagrafx, Andreas, jmyers2043, SimGoober, Colyn, Vester, Swamper77, Serkanner, Jplumbley, vil, Indisguise, simrolle, JBSimio, Daeley, Rayden, jestarr, freedo50, marcszar, SandraSim1, sawtooth, D66, Sam, M4346, Couchpotato, rooker1, c.p., Heblem, Tag_one, jeronij, xxdita, mattb325, zero7, diggis, tooheys, Hogmeister, Shadow Assassin, Capo, BigSlark, citynut, Travis, paroch, jmouse, Unassigned, Cockato-210893, sarjm, Sithlrd98, CasperVg
Special thanks to Null45, memo, Z1, Ulisse Wolf and Tyberius06 for the more recent updates and fixes on the program.
German Translation : Andreas
Various graphics logo/icons/signatures: Callagrafx