Download details
  • Original Author: SimGoober

Using many of those fantastic buildings that Xannepan made, I came up with a series of Residential blocks, for high wealth areas of your cities.

This package contains LOTS only. The buildings are available in prop packs, listed in the dependency section. If you don't get them, you will simplay see blank lots growing in your city.

All the lots have been updated with SC4PIM-X (X-tool), that had effect on occupancy and grow stages. The original lots were Stage 5 R$$$ growables, among the updated lots there are three which still will grow on stage 5, seven will grow on stage 6 and another three will grow on stage 7.

There is a Cleanitol_BSC SG JENX Residentials.txt that will help you to remove the old files. Use any of the third party cleanitol tools:

nos.17 SC4 Cleanitol

BSC Cleanitol


Growable Version : The growable version of this lot will be built by your Sims when the appropriate zone is provided.

Lot size:

4 x 4 tiles (13 lots total), Residential

Building Style(s):


Growth Stage:

5, 6, 7


varing bettween 557-780 R§§§

Bulldoze cost:

varing between § 950- §1319



Power consumption:

70-98 MWh/month

Water consumption:

96-132 Gallons/month

Air pollution:

8-11 over 6 tiles

Water pollution:

2-3 over 7 tiles

Garbage pollution:

4 tons per month



Installation: Copy/extract the Simgoober parent folder into your plugins. If you extracted the ~Documents folder into your plugins, too, it's highly recommended to keep it, but move it out of the Plugins folder.

Un-Installing: To un-install the files, simply bulldoze every lot from this download in your cities and delete the files from the plugins folder afterwards.


To ensure the proper functionality, make sure the files mentioned Below are installed in the plugins folder.

SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Common Dependencies Pack v9 (and above)
The below listed dependencies are all can be found in the hereby linked dependency pack compilation.

    • BSC Essentials v2024a
    • BSC MEGA Props JENX Vol01 v4
    • BSC MEGA Props SG Vol01 v4
    • BSC MEGA Props SWI21 Vol01 v4
    • BSC MEGA Props D66 Vol01 V3
    • BSC Textures Vol01

JENX-Porki Expanded Porkie Props

SG_JenxParisHomes01 SG_JenxParisHomes022
Created 2024-05-01T08:02:11-07:00
Changed 2024-05-02T16:14:31-07:00
Version Version 1
Size 102.91 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 527