Download details
  • Original Author: FrankU

The history 

In the 1960ies Modernism was at its peak. In the Netherlands hundreds of thousands of houses were built in efficient ways. Rowhouses were arranged in blocks and together with flats and shopping areas, schools and other facilities they were arranged into neighborhoods. All cities and most of the villages have these areas. And although they are being loathed these days, in that time they were seen as modern, clean, beautiful and spacey for most family households. 

The Models 

Wouter Soethout, better known as w_swietwoot made the four models that are contained in this set. He did not have time to lot them and therefore FrankU did that for him. And as they are both BNL Team members, this is a BNL cooperation project. 

The Lots 

The set contains 12 lots. 

All lots are R$$. 

Four lots are Stage 3, 2 wide and 3 deep 

Four lots are Stage 3, 3 wide and 3 deep. They contain one block of housing plus a strip of parking or a row of garages. 

Four lots are Stage 4, 2 wide and 2 deep. 

In these lots I use a lot of prop families, so there is a bit of variation. Even the building models vary in random ways.  


Copy/Extract the BNL parent folder into SimCity4Plugins folder. 


The model files are part of the set. 

Otherwise you need the following files. Quite common ones, I suppose. 

To ensure the proper functionality, make sure the files mentioned below are installed in the plugins folder.

  • SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Common Dependencies Pack v9 (and above)
    The below listed dependencies are all can be found in the hereby linked dependency pack compilation.
    • BSC MEGA Props CP Vol01
    • BSC MEGA Props CP Vol02
    • BSC MEGA Props SG Vol01 v4
    • BSC MEGA Props D66 Vol01 v3
    • BSC MEGA Props MISC Vol01 v2
    • BSC MEGA Props MISC Vol02 v4
    • BSC TexturePack CycleDogg V01b


December 7th 2015 

Day7 Dutch row houses 1960 Dutch row houses 1960-12 Dutch row houses 1960-23
Created 2024-10-02T16:10:02-07:00
Changed 2024-10-02T16:10:37-07:00
Version Version 1
Size 1.81 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 31