Download details
  • Original Author: Jestarr (aka JES)
SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Jestarr Industrial, Freight Rail and Power Utilities Compila SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Jestarr Industrial, Freight Rail and Power Utilities Compilation NEW

This SC4 Devotion LEX Legacy Pack features the industrial, freight rail and unitily (power) related LOTs and BATs by legendary BSC BATer Jestarr (JES), which had been available on the Lot Exchange (LEX) at SC4 Devotion. It includes the contents of 69 previously separate downloads (not counting the additional original patches for some of the lots, which were merged with the original upload as a preparation for the former Project ZIP efforts.).
After battling a number of technical issues, software incompatibility ultimately shuttered the LEX (at least in its familiar form from 2007 onward) in June 2023, and this package is designed to collect these dependencies in an easy-to-use form, allowing users to install them all in one go, or carefully select exactly which packs they wish to install.

Please note that this pack may receive updates in the near future. Do not redistribute without asking first, mostly as doing so would complicate efforts to properly maintain, update, and provide technical support for the pack.


  • All transportation lots have been updated to NAM/MTA standards
  • Many additional small fixes and patches and clean-ups
    • Underhill Casket Company lots are fixed - both the CAM and non-CAM versions are properly available now
    • In many cases the stages and lot names and descriptions were updated
    • Sugar Warehouse lots have been sorted out and fixed
  • Submenu Support


This package utilizes a Java-based installer (similar to the one used with the Network Addon Mod), and can also be opened and installed manually using 7-Zip or Keka.

To install it, you'll either need the Java Runtime Environment to run the installer--Adoptium's open-source edition is recommended--or a zip tool capable of opening the installer to allow manual installation. For Windows/Linux, use 7-zip, and for macOS, use Keka.

Once into the installer, after agreeing to the terms for the package, click to the Files tab to select which files you wish to install (making no changes here will install everything). To expand options, click the small "+" next to the name of the section.

Bear in mind this Lot Collection contains lots which will only grow/work if CAM (Colossus Addon Mod) is installed.
In this installer the CAM folder (which contains the CAM lots) is NOT selected by default, if you play with the Colossus Addon Mod and wish to use these CAMelots you need to select the folder manually when you run the installer.

Then, click to the Location tab to set up an installation location (this should be the root of your My Documents/SimCity 4/Plugins folder). After this, click over to the Install tab, and click "Start installation" to begin the installation procedure. When installation is complete, the tab pop up a message indicating it, after which you are safe to close the installer.

To avoid conflicts, please, it is highly recommended to use any of the third party cleanitol tools and remove any previous versions from your plugins.
In the ~Documents folder in the main ZIP in the Prop-Texture Catalogue Index and Cleanitol/Cleanitols/ you will find the Cleanitol_SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Jestarr Industrial Collection.txt and by using either the newer nos.17's SC4 Cleanitol or the older BSC Cleanitol tool you can search and remove the old and outdated versions of these files. Again to avoid possible conflicts and glitches it is highly recommended to run either of these tools.


The following files are required in order for the contents of this package to appear correctly (i.e., no "brown boxes" or missing textures) (the below listed dependencies are covering a full install; for dependencies for individual collections see the list of contents section for the names, then you will find the updated old readme files for each contents in the ~DocumentsBSC_Readmesjestarr folder within the ZIP):

    • SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Common Dependencies Pack v9b (and above)
      The below listed dependencies are all can be found in the hereby linked dependency pack compilation.
      • BSC Essentials v2024b
      • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol01 v2
      • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol02 v2
      • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol03 v2
      • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol04 v2
      • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol05 v2
      • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol06 v2
      • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol07 v2
      • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol08 v2
      • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol09 v2
      • BSC MEGA Props CP Vol01
      • BSC MEGA Props CP Vol02
      • BSC MEGA Props SG Vol01 v4
      • BSC MEGA Props GasCooker Vol01 v2
      • BSC MEGA Props DAE Vol01 v4
      • BSC MEGA Props D66 Vol01 v3
      • BSC MEGA Props D66 Vol02 v2
      • BSC MEGA Props MJB Vol01 v3
      • BSC MEGA Props SWI Vol01 v4
      • BSC MEGA Props MISC Vol02 v4
      • CSX MEGA Props Vol01 v3
      • CSX MEGA Props Vol03 v3
      • CSX MEGA Props Vol06 v3
      • BSC Textures Vol01
      • BSC Textures Vol02
      • BSC Textures Vol03 v5
      • BSC TexturePack CycleDogg V1

In order for the contents of this package to display correctly by taking advantage of the new DLL Mods, it requires the complete installation of the following dependencies (the below listed dependencies are covering a full install):

  • Submenus DLL - You need it to get the package submenu working.

    Compatible only with the digital version (1.1.641) of SimCity 4 (Microsoft Windows and Linux only).


The following BSC members contributed models, textures, and modding support to this collection:

  • Jestarr

This package was assembled by Tyberius06.

Special Thanks

Webmaster & administration staff at SC4Evermore and SC4 Devotion.

And possibly others who may not have been mentioned. If your name has been forgotten or you're not on the list, then drop us a line, as it has been difficult to keep track of anyone/everyone that may of helped somewhere along the lines.

And to the community itself, we would also like to thank you for your support, making mods such as this possible too. We're still at it after 20 years thanks to you!

And last but not least, a thanks for the Maxis individuals too, for the [paid] work that they did. ;-)


his package contains the following previously-separate downloads. In the following list the contents with "(CAM)" means these contain CAMeLot growable lots, but they may also contain regular growable and ploppable versions too.

Industrial Lots

  1. Acme Boiler Factory
  2. Acme Cold Storage
  3. Acme Pencil Factory (including Small Factory Mech)
  4. Acme Toxic Industries
  5. Acme Widget Manufacturing
  6. American Licorice Company (CAM)
  7. Ballard's Ball and Jacks Factory (CAM)
  8. Belkin's Bobbin Fatory (CAM)
  9. Black's Ice Company (CAM)
  10. Bonding Warehouse (CAM)
  11. Boyles Cotton Warehouse (including SG Canal version)
  12. Brewsters Machine Tool
  13. Brick Warehouse
  14. Boudreau and Thibodeau's Catfish Breeding Farm
  15. Boudreau and Thibodeau's Crawfish Cannery
  16. Cajun Sausage Factory
  17. Chemical Storage Facility
  18. Cosmo's Custom Boot Factory (including SG Canal version)
  19. Crumbly Cheese Factory
  20. Drywell Ink
  21. Empire Leather Works (including Freight Rail depot)
  22. Englehardt Shirt Factory (CAM)
  23. E-Z Polish Factory (CAM)
  24. Ganong Chocolate Factory
  25. Garibaldis Macaroni Factory
  26. Geere Robotics Corporation (CAM)
  27. Gerlach-Barklow Calendar Factory (CAM)
  28. GK Metal Fabrication (CAM)
  29. Goniff Chemical Works
  30. Hansons Sweat Shop (CAM)
  31. Holzman Post-Card Factory (CAM)
  32. Hoof Mouth Glue Factory (including Freight Rail depot)
  33. Hudson Glass
  34. Krispy Kracker Company (CAM)
  35. Lipschitz Cabinet Company
  36. Manure Shed
  37. Moore Transfer Storage Company
  38. Owosso Beet Sugar Factory (CAM, including Freight Rail depot)
  39. Perkins Furniture Company (including Freight Rail depot)
  40. Prairie Star Foods (CAM)
  41. Quality Investment Casting
  42. Redwing Mill (CAM, including Freight Rail depot)
  43. Replogle Globe Factory (CAM)
  44. Ritters Rubber Shoe
  45. Rorschach RD (CAM)
  46. Saginaw Silk Garment Co
  47. Schwartz Chemical Company
  48. Silver Rock Sunflower Seed Company (CAM)
  49. Small Brick Factory (aka 2x2 Brick Factory)
  50. Small Industrial Lots Vol01-Vol02
  51. Snivel Grumble Mfg
  52. South China Tea Company (CAM)
  53. Sterling Consolidated Manufacturing (including Freight Rail depot)
  54. Stone Ground Mustard Factory
  55. Sugar Warehouse (CAM)
  56. Underhill Casket Company (CAM)
  57. VW Automotive Factory (CAM)
  58. Welding Shop
  59. Woods Paper Products (CAM)
  60. Yankee Linen Supply (CAM)

Freight Rail Lots

  1. Cal Fame Packing Shed
  2. Currey Petro Chemical
  3. Empire Leather Works
  4. Hoof Mouth Glue Factory
  5. Owosso Beet Sugar Factory
  6. Perkins Furniture Company
  7. Phillips Umberly Fertilizer Plant
  8. Railway Express Agency
  9. Rayden Transfer
  10. Redwing Mill
  11. Sterling Consolidated Manufacturing

Utility Power Lots

  1. Coal Fired Power Plant
  2. Coal Power Plant
  3. HV Powerline-Substation

Various pieces of original documentation can be found in the "~Documents" folder within the ZIP. Most of the readme files got updated to list the actual dependencies for each contents.

VW_Factory_Day GeereRobotics_Day2
Created 2025-03-13T18:21:22-07:00
Changed 2025-03-13T18:25:18-07:00
Version Version 1
Size 8.82 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 7