Download details
  • Original Author: Daeley
BSC Daeley Regional Tracking BSC Daeley Regional Tracking Mod

Daeley presents:

 The BSC Regional Tracking Mod


The BSC Regional Tracking Mod is a mod designed to store specific data from your cities and make them available for the entire region to enhance regional play.
Whenever you enter a city, you will receive a popup message asking you to track the city. With the data tracked by the mod, you can also have a look at a detailed regional population report and, for the farming lovers out there, you can look at the number of BTE fields in your region.
Several upcoming releases from the BSC will also use this data to enhance queries or reward requirements.

a word of caution:

The regional tracking mod saves data dependent on the *NAME OF THE CITY. This means there are two limitations you should keep in mind during gameplay:

1. Deleting or renaming a city confuses this mod. I advise against renaming, but if you want to delete a city, it's best to just start a new city with the same name. If you wish to just create a test city you plan on quickly deleting, you always choose *NOT TO TRACK THE CITY.
2. Similarly, two cities with the same name in the same region (different region is ok) will result in only the data from the last one visited being saved.

Note that cities are not tracked by default. This means when applying this mod to an old region, you need to visit each untracked city and track it, much like when you use a Water Mod to change the color of the water.

Install by simply dropping the "Z___BSC MODs" folder into your Plugins folder (usually My DocumentsSimCity 4Plugins).

Have fun!


BSCFmod_LEX01 BSCFmod_LEX022
Created 2023-09-03T01:45:19-07:00
Changed 2023-09-03T01:45:19-07:00
Version Version 1
Size 46.31 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by SC4E Staff
Downloads 461