Download details
  • Original Author: Mattb325

This package is for DARK NITE users only. If you DO NOT use a nite darkening mod, download the MAXIS NITE version.

This SC4 Devotion LEX Legacy Pack features the Transportation related LOTs and BATs by legendary BSC BATer Mattb325, which had been available on the Lot Exchange (LEX) at SC4 Devotion (and in some cases on STEX). It includes the contents of 27 previously separate downloads and one never before released diagonal L1 station (currently unique of its kind).

After battling a number of technical issues, software incompatibility ultimately shuttered the LEX (at least in its familiar form from 2007 onward) in June 2023, and this package is designed to collect these dependencies in an easy-to-use form, allowing users to install them all in one go, or carefully select exactly which packs they wish to install.

There are two versions of this package that exist as separate downloads. One (MN) is for Maxis Nite (the default night settings), while the other (DN) is for Dark Nite, and is optimized for use with darker Night Mods, such as the mods by SimFox and gizmo28.

Please note that this pack may receive updates in the near future. Do not redistribute without asking first, mostly as doing so would complicate efforts to properly maintain, update, and provide technical support for the pack.


  • All transportation lots have been updated to NAM/MTA standards
  • The Victorian Diagonal L1 E-RRW station had been added
  • Submenu Support


  • City Link Transport Hub (it is also available on STEX separately)
  • Grand Central Chicago (it is also available on STEX separately)
  • Emu Plains Stations
  • High Holbourn Station
  • Sunken Railway Station
  • Terminus Pack
  • Overhanging Multi-purpose Station - Ortho (it is also available on STEX separately)
  • Overhanging Multi-purpose Station - Diagonal
  • Overhanging Multi-purpose Station - FAR
  • L1 Strickland E-RRW Station
  • L1 Terminus E-RRW Station
  • L1 Victorian E-RRW Station
  • L1 Central E-RRW Station
  • L2 Central Multi-functional Stations
  • L1 Ultra Modern E-RRW Station
  • L2 Ultra Modern Multi-functional Stations
  • L2 Galleria Grand Central Multi-functional Terminus
  • National Audit Office Multi-functional Stations
  • Spitalfields House Multi-functional Stations
  • Xiangshen Central Multi-functional Stations
  • Electric Car Recharge Bay (it is also available on STEX separately)
  • Electric Car Recharge Station
  • Underground IBM Parking (it is also available on STEX separately)
  • Underground Parking
  • Parking Garage (it is also available on STEX separately)
  • Diagonal Parking Garage (it is also available on STEX separately)
  • Subway and Underground Rail Stations
  • +1 L1 Diagonal Victorian E-RRW Station (previously unreleased)


This package utilizes a Java-based installer (similar to the one used with the Network Addon Mod), and can also be opened and installed manually using 7-Zip or Keka.

To install it, you'll either need the Java Runtime Environment to run the installer--Adoptium's open-source edition is recommended--or a zip tool capable of opening the installer to allow manual installation. For Windows/Linux, use 7-zip, and for macOS, use Keka.

Once into the installer, after agreeing to the terms for the package, click to the Files tab to select which files you wish to install (making no changes here will install everything). To expand options, click the small "+" next to the name of the section.

Then, click to the Location tab to set up an installation location (this should be the root of your My DocumentsSimCity 4Plugins folder). After this, click over to the Install tab, and click "Start installation" to begin the installation procedure. When installation is complete, the tab pop up a message indicating it, after which you are safe to close the installer.

To avoid conflicts, please, it is highly recommended to use any of the third party cleanitol tools and remove any previous versions from your plugins.
Optionally in the ~Documents folder in the main ZIP you can find a collective/master and separately all the individual cleanitol files and by using either the newer nos.17's SC4 Cleanitol or the older BSC Cleanitol tool you can search and remove old and outdated versions of these files.

Bear in mind that this Collection contains Prop packs only available with this upload. Those prop packs can be used and referenced by other contents may not part of this collection as dependencies. If a 3rd party upload references one of the prop packs available in this Collection, you don't need to install everything, you can select and install only the referenced prop pack. All prop packs (and the lot packs as well) have individual cleanitol files (besides the Cleanitol_SC4D LEX Legacy - Mattb325 Transportation Collection V1.txt) and they have Prop Catalogue index images as a help for lotters.


The following files are required in order for the contents of this package to appear correctly (i.e., no "brown boxes" or missing textures) (the below listed dependencies are covering a full install; for dependencies for individual collections see the list in the CONTENTS section in the readme file):

In order for the contents of this package to display correctly by taking advantage of the new DLL Mods, it requires the complete installation of the following dependencies (the below listed dependencies are covering a full install):

  • Submenus DLL - You need it to get the package submenu working.

    Compatible only with the digital version (1.1.641) of SimCity 4 (Microsoft Windows and Linux only).

**Please make sure that you have the new updated version of the prop pack.

Mattb325_NAO_lg Mattb325_Terminus_s2 Mattb325_L2_UltraMod_s3
Created 2024-10-27T03:48:36-07:00
Changed 2024-10-27T04:25:27-07:00
Version Version1-DarkNite
Size 52.77 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 401