Welcome to SC4Evermore, the newest independent fansite in the SimCity 4 community! We hope that you'll enjoy your stay here, and that you find the site to be a useful resource that helps you to get more enjoyment out of SC4 and its massive array of custom content, some two decades after its release.
22 March 2025 - Another wave of restored former LEX contents have been uploaded
The past few weeks/months have brought a few more of the former LEX contents to SC4Evermore.
This round started with seven uploads covering 10 former LEX releases, mostly fulfilling individual requests from the community or covering necessary dependencies:
- BSC CAS Deveraux College
- BSC Rayden Rural Mayor House
- ITC CAS Greenacre Embassy
- Cogeo Logistics Centres MegaPack 2.0 (this is the very same thing as the now updated version on STEX.)
- SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC B62 Compilation (this covers the four uploads that RippleJet released in the behalf of Bobbo662)
- BSC JB Chelsea Mills 2.0
- CSX Billboards 2.0 (this is going to get further update(s) for sure, but the original set is a requirement as dependency for an other upload)
Then after more than a month of preparation (in reality it was almost three months), holidays/vacations and heavy RL, another four upload got delivered covering further 72 previously available separate uploads from LEX.
- tomvsotis - Astor Theatre
- tomvsotis - Fish Creek Pub
- tomvsotis - Nimmo St Apartments
- SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Jestarr Industrial, Freight Rail and Power Utilities Compilation (this contains 69 previously separate LEX uploads in one package)
And now after another busy week and another 10 uploads (covering around 36 former LEX uploads) have arrived. These are:
- SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Jestarr Commercial and Residential Compilation
- BSC jestarr River Barges
- BSC jestarr County Livestock Auction Services
- BSC jestarr Cajun Culinary Arts Academy
- BSC jestarr Paramount Opera
- SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Yoder7652 Osturland Collection
- BSC YDR BSC Sports Canteen
- BSC YDR JFK Center for the Performing Arts
- BSC YDR St Peters Basilica, Vatican
- BSC YDR Hungarian Parliament
This more or less concludes the restoration of Jestarr's SC4Devotion LEX collections and also most of Yoder7652's former uploads have been restored as well. In both cases the few left overs will be hosted as an update of the BSC Canals Compilation.
2 MARCH 2025 - Network Addon Mod 49 and NAM Lite 4 Now Available!
The NAM Team is pleased to announce the release of the 49th edition of the Network Addon Mod, NAM 49, which is now available for download here at SC4Evermore! The highlight of this release is with the absolute cavalcade of new bridges added (84, to be precise), alongside numerous bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements across all facets of the mod. You can pick up NAM 49 and see the full feature list/release notes here.
In addition, NAM Lite 4 was also released, fixing the issue with the Additional Maxis Highway Interchanges button. You can pick up NAM Lite 4 here.
11 NOVEMBER 2024 - Important Update Regarding Network Addon Mod 48 on ModDB | Potential Security Issue
IMPORTANT and URGENT, please read the following statement below.
On October 4, 2024, a hacker hacked the NAM Team account of ModDB by uploading a version of NAM 48 that contains a trojan virus
Version 48.1 was uploaded to ModDB where the hacker modified the bat file that automated the installation of the 4GB Patch and automatically started the NAM java installer. A link to a version.cpl file was inserted in the bat file code, which is the main vector of the Trojan virus infecting your computer.
Only thanks to a report today we have discovered the security incident and are acting quickly as well as performing investigations on how it was possible and future actions to be taken
The mode of attack is very similar to the security incident that occurred in Cities Skylines 2 and so we are thinking that the affected users may be those who have cryptocurrency but we cannot confirm this until fully investigated.
The affected users are all people who have downloaded to Simtropolis and ModDB and use Windows as their operating system. We recommend actively running antivirus scans if you consider you have been infected and possibly changing passwords as well as enabling 2FA on your accounts
27 October 2024
In the past few months we uploaded several contents formerly available only on SC4Devotion from creators like Art128, Vester_DK, and several other legacy projects have been made available like Moonlinght different Canal Projects, or KS_JPN's Arabian Canals. The latest uploads are coming from the legendary BATter Mattb325. With the upload of his Transportation Collection most of his contents (apart from a few parks which will be re-hosted later) are available again.
21 August 2024
In the past few months there were a few new uploads and updates regarding the SC4 Devotion LEX Restoration efforts. The BSC Common Dependencies has received a new update today (so now it's running under the Version 9b designation) in support of the release of the BSC Parks Compilation.
At the begining of the summer we made available the first version of the BSC Canals Compilation which received an update recently in the light of the new Submenu developments. Some other contents have been released and or updated recently which also have got Submenu Support: SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Custodian Rubik WTC Complex, BLP-NDEX Boston Central Artery-Tunnel (Big Dig), SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Diggis Complete Ponds and Streams
And now at the end of the summer we made available the first (and hopefully last) version of the BSC Parks Collection (Submenu support also provided with these parks).
As a result of the release of the BSC Parks Collection the SC4D LEX Legacy - JBSimio Education Compilation also received a small update. The BSC Park Textures, that in the past one year only were available exclusivle in the Education Pack, have received an update to be in line with the versions that can be found in the BSC Parks Compilation.
- Tyberius06
14 May 2024
Colossus Addon Mod 2.5 - Release Candidate 1
Colossus Addon Mod (CAM) 2.5 - Release Candidate (RC) 1 is finally available.
This version of CAM is mostly for preliminary testing and gathering your feedback to make corrections and deliver you a better CAM. Because of this there may be some bugs and missing features that will be added in the next version RC 2 (NO ETA).
For this reason it is highly recommended to run CAM 2.5 on a new region where you can test the new features and general bugfixes for SC4.
All information is indicated on this thread where you can comment and also request to include other patches that you think are important.
- Ulisse Wolf
14 February 2024
The Future of SC4 Modding: The Matter of Digital vs. Disc, and Windows vs. macOS in the DLL Era
In the link is the official statement on the issue of which versions of SC4 will be supported by the community. The decision was made as a result of discussions and on the development of the Mod DLLs that led has made this drastic choice.
It is recommended to read the whole statement as the reasons and possible solutions are given so that you can get the versions compatible with the new community stardards
- Ulisse Wolf
11 February 2024
29 January 2024
First of all, we hope everybody doing well in the new year.
Well after wresting with the BSC Common Dependencies (as of 15 December 2023 Version 8 is the latest and most recent - but definitely not the last - version of the dependency compilation) and with a busy RL and work period at the end of the year and begining of the new year in the last one month I was working on rehosting most of the last remaining dependnecy-type uploads that were mostly exclusive to SC4D LEX (actually some of them might have been uploaded to STEX too). There are a few bits, dots and comas that need to be done on STEX (mostly redirecting some stuffs or replacing, I don't know yet), but as a result in the past little bit more than a week, there were uploaded 42 "new" contents (formerly available on LEX in some form - though during the restoration process most of these files got updated) and another 18 previously uploaded content got updated.
The following table contains the links for the recently uploaded new and updated contents:
- Tyberius06
10 December 2023
After 3+ months of effort, the new version of the BSC Common Dependencies (Version 7) has finally gone online, and can be picked up here at SC4E. This is still not the final (if there ever be such thing), but hopefully apart from the BSC Essentials, the rest of the prop packs don't need any tweaks, so more or less, this 7th version is pretty much the final version of the dependency packs.
It is highly recommended (kind of essential) to read the changelog in the provided readme as this version contains a huge number of changes, updated old and brand new dependency pack compilations. This compilation was kind of essential for going forward with our plans to rehost the rest of the former SC4Devotion LEX collections.
One general change is that now all the prop and texture pack names have a unified naming format, they are lining up alphabetically after each other in the BSCProps and BSCTextures folder. That means that all the previous props packs (even those which did not received any technical updates) have been renamed if they did not follow this unified naming format.
Another significant change is that many of the previous prop packs received small updates/fixes or model/prop expansions, and in a very few cases, some models/props were cut out from one pack and added to another. Most of the expansions were added to support LOTters to get necessary props and models easier, or cleaning up leftover models and props, or to support those cases when both CAMelot and NON-CAM lots are using the same models.
26 September 2023
- LEX Files: Around 1300 LEX files have now been restored (typically as parts of larger packs rather than as their original single downloads). New LEX Legacy Packs will continue to be added, but as we have encountered technical issues with some of the original files, this has slowed the process. We thank the community for its continued patience and support as we try to restore this content, and do it properly.
- SC4 Multiplayer (SC4MP): For those unfamiliar with SC4MP, it is a tool that allows SC4 to be played in real-time multiplayer mode. The SC4Evermore Staff is interested to know your reaction, and that is why our colleague Flann decided to open a SC4MP server. We have opened a space on the SC4Evermore Discord to discuss the "Flann and Friends" server, and cooperate on progress for the region. For more information, check the SC4E Discord server here: https://discordapp.com/invite/NsNZHEC
- New SC4 Challenge (in cooperation with Simtropolis): The theme of the new challenge is Gothic, Horror and/or Supernatural and consists of The Gameplay/City Journal Challenge and The BAT Challenge. Check out the details here. The challenge closes on November 5th at 00:00 US Pacific Time.
24 August 2023
- Around 1200 LEX files have now been restored in modernized form (i.e., combined into organized packs for convenient download) here at SC4Evermore. That number continues to grow, as we add more files at least a couple times throughout the week.
- The SC4D LEX Legacy BSC Common Dependencies Pack has been updated to Version 6, fixing a UI-related issue with BSC Essentials. The Version 5 update previously added the SG Civics Education Models and the EU Flag Pack.
- The SC4D LEX Legacy - JBSimio Education Compilation has been released, containing School Pack Volumes 01-04, and the University of Clayhurst Starter and Expansion Packs.
- The Mattb325 LEX Legacy collections now encompass two packs of Residential BATs (Houses and Multi-Unit), two packs of Commercial BATs (standard and W2W), a massive Civics and Rewards pack, and standard and IRM versions for the pack of Industrial BATs. The combined Lot count covers most of Mattb325's LEX output, though more of his content is still to come. Dark Nite and Maxis Nite versions are available for each pack.
- By popular demand, the NAM's Park And Ride Traffic Simulator Plugins are available again, for the first time since the Traffic Simulator Configuration Tool (TSCT) was discontinued in 2022. As the name suggests, the Park And Ride Plugins prevent the Car transit type from reaching its destination, thereby requiring Sims to park or use mass transit or active transit (walking) to reach the end of their commute.
- The massive back catalog of .SC4M format maps is available in one big file, courtesy of Ulisse Wolf, including the efforts of dobdriver/drunkapple and NHP stalwarts like blade2k5.
- In terms of new content, Ulisse Wolf's Fallout Prop Pack Vol 2 is now available.
9 August 2023
- The SC4D LEX Legacy BSC Common Dependencies Pack has been updated to Version 4, with the primary new additions being further prop packs from Mattb325.
- Some popularly-requested files have been added to SC4E Downloads, including a LEX Legacy Pack for Mattb325's Residential Multi-Unit BATs (containing 46 LEX files), available in Maxis Nite and Dark Nite versions. The Mattb325 back catalog is a current priority, and more will be added in the coming days.
- We are still working to add other popular downloads, in carefully curated, streamlined forms with modernized packaging. We thank everyone for their patience as we endeavor to provide the best SC4 custom content experience--one that will continue to get better and better in the coming weeks and months.
What is SC4Evermore, and what does it bring to the SC4 community?
SC4Evermore (or SC4E, if you prefer) was founded by long-time SC4 modder and siterunner Tarkus (Network Addon Mod). It came about as a result of discussions with various active stakeholders in the community, about creating a stable platform through which SC4 custom content can be preserved and shared in an easier-to-access modern form, in the wake of the various software issues that eventually knocked down the LEX downloads section at SC4 Devotion. Other recent cases of site closures, possible site closures, and instability have only emphasized the need for a solution.
The name itself is a tribute to two community figures, Maxis' Wren Weburg (of Wren Insurance fame), who formerly ran a site called SC4ever, and the "SC4, Forevermore!" catchphrase used by popular BATer DuskTrooper. Symbolically, SC4E also happens to come directly after SC4D in alphabetical order. The new name also emphasizes that the site is intended to be a true community effort, and we look forward to sharing more details on this end in the near future.
In addition to the downloads section, the fast-growing SC4 Devotion Discord server will be rebranded under the SC4Evermore name, and is in the process of being upgraded to a Community Server, which will add Forum Channel features and other new features. SC4D's archived forums and wiki will remain at their original links, and will be accessible via the top menu bar, though note that they may be affected by some of the same technical issues that took down the LEX. We are exploring the prospects of adding guides and/or a new wiki to SC4E, among other features.
All of the files available on SC4 Devotion's temporary frontpage have been transferred over to SC4E's new exchange, where they are available in a more orderly fashion. We will continue to add more files to the site in the coming days, weeks, and months.
Thank you for your support, and we hope you find SC4Evermore to be a useful resource to further your enjoyment of SimCity 4!