- 16.04.2024 - updated to Version 3.1
- Fixed DBPF version in the dat file header.
- 20.01.2024 - Update to Version 3
- The former Windows installer (*.exe) has been replaced by a new Cross-Platform Java based installer
- the default parent folder has been changed to z___terrainmod to be in sync with the updated Seasonal Flora Patch and with other terrain mod related contents.
This package utilizes a Java-based installer (similar to the one used with the Network Addon Mod), and can also be opened and installed manually using 7-Zip or Keka.
To install it, you'll either need the Java Runtime Environment to run the installer--Adoptium's open-source edition is recommended--or a zip tool capable of opening the installer to allow manual installation. For Windows/Linux, use 7-zip, and for macOS, use Keka.
Once into the installer, after agreeing to the terms for the package, click to the Files tab to select which files you wish to install (making no changes here will install everything). To expand options, click the small "+" next to the name of the section.
Once into the installer, after agreeing to the terms for the package, click to the Files tab to select which dependencies you wish to install (making no changes here will install everything). Then, click to the Location tab to set up an installation location (this should be the root of your My DocumentsSimCity 4Plugins folder). On the Cleanup tab, click "Start scan" to find any outdated files that currently reside in your Plugins folder that may conflict with this package. Clicking "Backup" will remove these old files to a safe location. (The option to "Delete" them also exists, but is not recommended.) After this, click over to the Install tab, and click "Start installation" to begin the installation procedure. When installation is complete, the tab pop up a message indicating it, after which you are safe to close the installer.
-LK_TerrainTextures_01.dat (Now included in the package.)
-LK_StarterSet -- This is a set of a Beach, Cliff, and Water mod. They are like any other Beach/Cliff/Water mod, but they are 1024x1024. (Now included in the package)
-LK_WeatherTuning_Stagnant.dat (Included) -- This file will make your terrain look the same throughout the sim year.