Download details
  • Original Author: gizmo28

NOTE: This file, by gizmo28, was originally hosted on Gizmo's SimCity 4 Mods, which has been non-functional since January 2019. It has been uploaded to the LEX in good faith to restore access and availability, following reasonable attempts to contact the original author. Further details can be found on the appropriate thread in the SC4 Community Preservation and Access Board on the SC4 Devotion Forums. In the absence of the original author, technical support will be provided by Preservation and Access (P&A) Project on the previously linked board.


This file is packaged as a .zip archive, and may be easily opened on any platform.



This mod involved editing the effects directory and numerous FSH files, 3d models and a few exemplars. This was a best effort mod, as some things can't be fixed as the main exe might be controlling them, this can be seen with the lights, the brightness can only be raised to a certain point at night. It also involved hex editing a few animated 3d models which took a long time to do, and also was a best effort attempt. If you like the mod then use it, if you don't then no one forcing you to use it, I WILL NOT be changing anything on this mod, it's final in regards to the following; the darkness level, the brightness of all the lights. If it's a bug or something you think I may of missed let me know and I'll look into it. 

**This mod may not work properly with certain MODS, BATS, and other ADDONS**
(Possible sources of conflicts might include water texture mods, mods that edited the lighting and terrain exemplar properties, and mods and BATS that use custom lights)


To install this mod, put the extracted file or folder into your C:My DocumentsSimCity 4Plugins folder and follow any directions above, if any were listed.
To uninstall the mod, simply move or delete the file or folder you extracted from your C:My DocumentsSimCity 4Plugins folder.

Created 2023-07-26T04:08:23-07:00
Changed 2023-07-29T03:58:13-07:00
Version 2.0
Size 3.02 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tarkus
Downloads 526