This package includes day, maxisnite and darknite version of villa Libeskind.
For LOTters, the LOT is available in Lot Editor, under the name: R$$$4_3x2_Grfe_villa_Libeskind.This package includes few props:
- Grfe_wood_fence_A
- Grfe_hedge...
The LE props of this pack have been datpacked into two files: Grfe_Props_Pack_LE_Hedges.dat and Grfe_Props_Pack_Villa Libeskind.dat**.
Please use the provided Cleanitol_BSC-VIP Girafe Villa Libeskind v2.txt to remove the single sc4model+sc4desc file combos.
**As of v2 (version 2) because of the creation of the collective SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Common Dependencies compilation, the formerly included props have been taken out and restored in the mentioned dependency pack. The file names stayed the same (see below the dependency section).
Special thanks to Orange, Simfox, Badsim, Carl and all BSC members.
LOT Details and information:
LOT size | (R$$$) 3x2 |
Building style | Building: residential, R$$$, Style: Euro |
Growth stages | 4 |
Capacity stages | R$: 81; R$$: 46 ; R$$$: 22 |
Buldoze cost | 143$ |
Worth | 143 |
Max. Fire stage | 3 |
Flammability | 35 |
Power consumption | 3 |
Water consumption | 7 |
Air pollution | 1 |
Water pollution | 1 |
Garbage pollution | 4 |
Construction time | 14 |
Installation: copy/extract the BSC parent folder into your plugins. If you extracted the ~Documents folder into your plugins, too, it's highly recommended to keep it, but move it out of the Plugins folder.
Choose ONE from the two subfolders in the Villa Libeskind folder: either DN Model (dark/true-night) or MN Model (maxis night) and remove the one which you do NOT wish to use.
Un-Installing: To un-install the files, simply bulldoze every lot from this download in your cities and delete the files from the plugins folder afterwards.
- SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Common Dependencies v8 (or above)
- BSC Essentials
- BSC-VIP Girafe Hedges
- BSC-VIP Girafe Urbanpack (CarPack vol04) vol01 - this contains now the Grfe_Props_Pack_Villa Libeskind.dat file
- BSC-VIP Girafe Carpack vol03 v2
- BSC TexturePack Cycledogg V01b
- SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC VIP Girafe Flora Pack V3
- BSC-VIP Girafe Honey Locust
- BSC-VIP Girafe Common Spruce
- SimFox Day and Nite Modd - if you are using the DN (Dark Night/True Night) models
Note: run 1 year before timed props work correctly.